Sunday, 7 May 2017

Wairoa to Lake Waikaremoana

With our packed lunch in the car,  we hit the road and went to explore the stunning Lake Waikaremoana. 
The road was not too bad,  though it did have a few gravel parts and some narrow bits. What was really interesting,  was seeing how high the river had risen in the recent Cyclone Cook weather.   You could see patches where the water had come up, even in a very large gorge, right up to the road.  Huge trees which had been growing by the side of the river were washed in.   It was quite something and must have been pretty scary for locals.
Morning tea was a scenic treat, held on a rocky ledge over looking the lake.  The day was blue and still and just a cracker.
We went to look at the start of the Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk.   Looks great,  would definitely be worth returning to do one day. 
Drove around a little bit to explore,  found a lovely little bay called Sandy Bay, then carried on further around.  The road got narrower and narrower and it was gravel and winding, when suddenly, out of nowhere, there is a flash building,  a petrol pump,  a shop and a wee marina!   It was random!   It had signs for the Waikaremoana Camping Ground and the big flash building looked like it might have belonged to Tuhoi.
We popped the kayak in and had a lovely paddle around.   We stalked some trout,  as we could see quite a few splashing about.   And all three of us got to spot one!   It swam right towards the kayak,  then darted away.  It was a brown trout.  So cool!
Stopped at a beach for Mum to show Dad how to skim stones like a boss.   Then headed back to the boat ramp.
Drove back towards Wairoa, stopping to eat said packed lunch at a tiny settlement called Tuai.  There were locals drinking beers by the lake leaning on their ute, they gave us a wave on the way in,  and a smile and wave on the way out.   It was only tiny,  but a gorgeous place for a wee settlement.
Back to Wairoa and PB and DH washed the car,  then got on their bikes for a 10km ride along the river.   Mum had a rest,  a read,  and got some dinner on the go.  A neat day and we've been blessed again with magical weather. 

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