Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Lonesome Lake Coleridge

The roads got decidedly narrower as we got closer to Lake Coleridge.
 We stopped briefly at Oxford, following a failed attempt to find a lavender farm, cleverly named 'The Colour Purple '.
We FOUND it, but it was just a private sign on a letterbox of a private house and we were too shy to rock up and kmock on the door.
Lake Coleridge village was a blink of an eye of a town and turned out that Lake Coleridge was dominated (at least at this end) by a power station intake. ('A giant plug hole' as a local described it to us.)
We dropped the caravan in a thistley NZMCA paddock and drove up a private power company track through stunning scenery to the lake itself. We almost dropped  the caravan at a general grassy area nearby but a friendly local let us know of an over zealous self appointed town marshall who would likely photograph our caravan and report us to council, inducing a fine. 
Why,  thank you, kind and informative stranger! Our paddock is a lovely home for the night under majestic mountains and surrounded by peace.

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